After seeing these, I don't feel so guilty about getting this cake for Middle P's 3rd birthday last year!
And now here are pics of the author of this blog (I think), anyway I am showing you these because I am seriously wanting to do this to my hair. Yes, seriously! I've been talking about dying my hair pink for a couple of weeks now, and when I saw her hair, I thought, that's it, that's what I want to do. What do you think? No, I don't have a reason for doing it, just sounds like fun.

I say, if you want to dye your hair pink...go for it! If you want to get a tattoo...go for it! If you want to have your kids' hair dyed pink or have them tattooed...maybe stop before you get that far! ;-) But it's your body and your hair...have at it! ;-)
My favorite cake mistake said, "Good luck under neat that (someone's name-can't remeber what the name was)". You might have to say it outloud to get it. Geez!
I am a real chicken when it comes to hair, which is why I still have the same long, straight hair I have had since high school, so I am probably not the best one for hair advice. When I do think about going for a change, I consider it for months before I actually do anything about it. I just feel like staying with what I know is safer, but believe me, I wish I could be brave and do something new once in awhile too. So my advice is to think about it a little longer and then go for it. I would also want to go to someone that is very skilled with color too. Although, it would probably be pretty easy to correct if you ended up not liking it. My issue is more with taking off length since it does take some time to come back and I really don't want to spend a year not liking my hair everyday. If you do it, post some pics. Good luck with your decision.
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